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  • Writer's pictureBrad Cunningham

Scale Won’t Budge

Whether the scale hasn’t budged for one week or six, it’s always a frustrating experience — especially when you feel like you’ve done everything “right” to lose the weight. However, before you beat yourself up or throw in the towel, know that you’re not alone.

Everything hits a plateau! Every good idea, diet program, marriage and professional athlete eventually hits a plateau. Luckily, there are ways to turn things around.

For example, eating significantly less might get the scale moving, but cutting calories has its limitations and will eventually stop working after a while. The same goes for the same old workout routine — eventually you’ll need to mix things up, add some HIIT and challenge the body in new ways. Combining good nutrition and a challenging workout routine is naturally a winning combination. But there are a few more ways to help you bust through that weight loss plateau. Here are 3 tips on how to reach your goal weight, the healthy way.

1. Ignore the Scale The scale alone is a very incomplete metric. So is your BMI number, or any other metric number on its own - being healthy involves a number of measurements. Maybe you aren’t moving the scale but you’re lowering your heart rate, reducing belly fat, or improving your cholesterol numbers. Start taking measurements or conduct a BioScan so you can see how your body composition is changing by shedding fat and building lean muscle when your weight remains the same!

2. Recruit a Mate A solid support system is a must when you need that extra push to reach your goals. Whether that’s a friend with similar goals or a partner who just knows how you tick, find someone you can be completely honest with about how you’re doing. Checking in with them daily or at least a few times a week will keep you accountable - knowing you’ll have to tell them you went back for seconds may help you put an end to that habit. And when it comes time to hit the gym, sweating as a duo is way more fun!

3. Start with Today The disappointment you feel when you don’t see the number you want on the scale can lead to a dangerous cycle of negative thinking. People don’t really get depressed because the scale reads 72 instead of 70, they get depressed because they feel fat. This can lead to them feeling defeated and self-sabotage can kick in (i.e. “I stuffed up so I might as well just eat the rest of this cake anyway”), which can lead to binge eating.

To keep from falling off the wagon, set yourself a goal for that day. Decide to go for a quick run or walk at lunch, split that muffin with a friend, skip the sugary drink at dinner etc. Celebrate those small wins to get back control and find your purpose. Take care of the little things and the big things will follow!

If you would like help getting started be sure to schedule a time with us today!

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